Compound Interest in Your Career: How to Use the Power of the Environment to Accelerate Your Professional Growth

Over the last week I’ve been reading Judith Rich Harris’ The Nurture Assumption, where the author exposes the idea that children are not so much influenced by their parents as they are by their peers. Most examples Harris gives us during the book show that the environment in which children grow up is a lot more powerful in socializing them than their parents. Despite best intentions for getting children to behave in certain ways at home, the world outside and other children are the key to derive their social behaviors which might or might not impact their adult lives.


How to Create a Blog Using GitHub Pages and JBake

Recently I was looking into creating a blog in order to write down some thoughts. In looking for simple ways to create one, but being a bit more technical than the average user, I started by discarding Blogger, WordPress, Medium and the like. I wanted to keep content under my control (let’s pretend for a second that GitHub is under my control) and still have a workflow that allows me to write, save and publish with simplicity and flexibility.
